
Based in London, UK

Founder Kanchalika believes in supporting suppliers, working to ensure that all materials are bought, produced and delivered in an ethical way; accounting for factors such as health and safety, quality assurance, sustainability and social, ethical and legal standards. To the best of their ability, Malako purchase materials that are certified organic or fair trade, ethically audited, free from genetic modification, and purchased from community projects, or direct from producers. Priding themselves on giving back and building strong, long lasting relationships, Malako work hard to uphold and maintain the highest ethical standards across every aspect of their business.


The ingredients are lovingly harvested by local farmers in Thailand and the UK, and directly purchased, to enable a a full history from seed to bottle. Working in the way allows them to pay farmers better wages, which they then invest back into their business and livelihood. This mutually supportive relationship not only benefits both parties, but in turn, ultimately, leads to a lovingly crafted product.